Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Welcome to the MTI family!!

During the months of September and October MTI welcomed a some brand new employees as well as some not so brand new employees to brand new positions. So....we want to send them all a warm welcome as they join the Trade family. The are:

  • Gaynelle Abraham Braithwaite-Project Officer-Policy and Strategy Directorate

  • Timitra Williams -Business Facilitator - Business Development

  • Sanya Alleyne- Legal Trade Specialist- Legal

  • Abigail Edwards-Business Facilitator-Business Development

  • Justin Pantin- Industry Assistant-Business Development

  • Takiyah De Four- Finance Trainee-Trade Directorate

  • Ricardo Phillips-Research Assistant -Trade Directorate

  • Krysta Ramrattan-Economist- Trade Directorate

We also welcome back the following people as they assume their new positions. They are:

  • Neville Alexander- Trade Specialist -Trade Directorate

  • Trudy Lewis Senior- Trade Specialist -Trade Directorate

  • Jacqueline Charles -Manager Market Access -Trade Directorate

  • Susan Singh Seerattan- Manager Alliances -Business Development

  • Savitree Thompson- Industry Assistant- Business Development

  • Melissa Mohammed- Policy Development Officer -Policy and Strategy Directorate

Take a look at the new faces...









Thursday, October 22, 2009

We’re SEW-ing up trade and business…..

SEW is here! The Single Electronic Window was officially launched on October 20th, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port of Spain. MTI, in conjunction with the Singaporean firm Crimson Logic, is about to embark upon a project that is aimed at revolutionizing the way we conduct trade and transact business.

So what is this SEW anyway? Simply put, the SEW is an IT tool which allows persons involved in trade to have a single platform upon which to conduct business transactions. Basically through the SEW, related tasks are accessible from one place. It is an electronic one-stop-shop, where private stakeholders and approving government agencies can collaborate to process necessary permits and approvals online in a seamless and efficient manner.

Functions such as importing and exporting goods, accessing licenses, etc. will now be made more efficient and less time consuming, because everything will be at your fingertips via your personal computer and interconnected through the SEW platform. A change which we’re sure will be welcomed by everyone who has had to stand in long lines or go back and forth from one Government office to the other just to have their business documents processed.

At the global level, the SEW will improve Trinidad & Tobago’s competitiveness by equipping us with the tools and technology to conduct business in keeping with international standards. So we stand to benefit both home and abroad.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Ministry of Public Administration held its annual career fair on Wednesday September 30th, for the scholarship recipients who ended their tenure of study in the academic year 2008/2009. MTI was asked to participate in the fair, a request to which we gladly said yes.

Held on the outskirts of the northern end of the National Library building, the fair gave the returning scholars a chance to interact with a number of government ministries as well as private enterprises, all of whom had booths and was giving information on their specific agency or ministry , in order to determine where their skills sets were most needed. It also gave the various organisations a chance to meet and greet with potential employees.

Some of the Ministries and private entities present were Planning, Housing and the Environment, Information, Finance, Energy, Works and Transport, Agriculture Land and Marine Resources, the DocuCentre and RBTT Bank.

Take a look…