Tuesday, September 29, 2009

All Aboard!!

As we know yachting is one the seven non-energy industries that the government has targeted for aggressive development. In keeping with their mandate to implement the industry’s strategic development plan, the Yachting Steering Committee recently held an information session for stakeholders, including MTI.

This session not only brought us up to date on the work being done to advance the sector but allowed us to see firsthand the wide range of activities and how, once stimulated and supported, the industry can grow and be a substantial contributor to our economy.

Did you know that we store, repair and build yachts and other types of sea vessels right here in Trinidad and Tobago! Well guess what, it was news to me too. Many Europeans, Americans and persons from other parts of the world store their yachts, catamarans and other types of vessels here during summertime in their own countries. This usually takes place between May and August each year. They then return for their vessels once the hurricane season is over in this part of the world and winter begins up north. This usually runs from October until April.

This means that not only do foreigners benefit from storing their boats here but we also benefit because employment is created for us because the vessels require maintenance, equipment and repairs while on land.

Yachting brings in foreign exchange, creates job opportunities for locals, helps with technology transfer and gives yachties a place to stores their vessels…. I’d call it a “win- win” situation, wouldn’t you?

Friday, September 25, 2009


Trade Talk has taken off into cyber space and MTI employees can now blog on at …..
MTI's newest communications feature was launched on Thursday 17th September in our Level 16 conference room.

Employees such as Lorraine Barrow of the Library and Sheliza Hassanali of Office Management volunteered, or should I say were volunteered, to be our exemplary bloggers for the day.

After a brief introduction and a blogging demonstration, we had fun playing Trade Taboo and Trade Talk Trivia, where our winning participants earned themselves some 'snazzy' Trade Talk coffee mugs for answering correctly different questions on MTI’s work and activities.

Even 'non-winners' were not left out and received consolation prizes just for their team spirit

And what's a launch without refreshments and a socializing…… which of course we did in true MTI style.

Keep an eye out for our next Trade Talk promotion, in the mean time, continue to talk to us....we love what we've been hearing so far.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

So you think we're all about numbers...nuh uh...we love fashion too

If you read the latest issue of Trade Links, you would have seen that MTI was a major sponsor of Fashion Week 2009. No, your eyes are not fooling you, I did say Fashion Week and yes, that is Kwame Agard of the Events Management Department. He represented well, modelling for designers such as Meiling, Anthony Reid, Salim and Earth Member for Life.

The Fashion Industry is just one of the non-energy sectors that the Government has identified for development and through the Ministry of Trade and Industry we are providing access to funding and opportunities to participate in fashion events both here and abroad. Our designers are now receiving support through direct sponsorship as well as other means to showcase their products at events such as Caribbean Fashion Week held annually in Jamaica and Islands of the World Fashion Week which takes place each year in the Bahamas.

So to all our budding designers, don't think that you've been forgotten, we crunch numbers and negotiate trade deals but we also know that good fashion brings in the bacon for T&T. So if you know any fashion entrepreneurs, tell them to visit the BDC or NEDCO to find out more about a small loan to get that sewing machine and sketch pad, they're waiting.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We're here, and we're talking!!

Finally, we’re here…all that email teasing is starting to make sense now…..
So welcome to TradeTalk, a forum where MTI staff can read on its activities in real time. So…we pursue trade, we drive business, we encourage investment and you’re probably wondering ‘what does this have to do with me, where do I fit into all this?’

Every one of us at MTI has a critical role to play in national development. Anytime we increase business in a particular industry or create new investments or find new export markets, we are contributing to the quality of life for all our citizens. We are helping to create jobs, increase foreign exchange, import new technology, enhance the image of Trinidad and Tobago internationally…the list goes on….

So the money you spent on that doubles you’re about to eat, that Rituals chiller you were just enjoying or the hot new boutique you were checking out downtown during the lunch break….all of this is connected to the work done at MTI.

So, trade, business and investment has a lot to do with you, we bet you’ll never look at this the same again.

Keep reading, find out more and more how the work we all do impacts our country… and most of all keep blogging, you never know what you may learn and where you can share this information...