Thursday, September 17, 2009

So you think we're all about numbers...nuh uh...we love fashion too

If you read the latest issue of Trade Links, you would have seen that MTI was a major sponsor of Fashion Week 2009. No, your eyes are not fooling you, I did say Fashion Week and yes, that is Kwame Agard of the Events Management Department. He represented well, modelling for designers such as Meiling, Anthony Reid, Salim and Earth Member for Life.

The Fashion Industry is just one of the non-energy sectors that the Government has identified for development and through the Ministry of Trade and Industry we are providing access to funding and opportunities to participate in fashion events both here and abroad. Our designers are now receiving support through direct sponsorship as well as other means to showcase their products at events such as Caribbean Fashion Week held annually in Jamaica and Islands of the World Fashion Week which takes place each year in the Bahamas.

So to all our budding designers, don't think that you've been forgotten, we crunch numbers and negotiate trade deals but we also know that good fashion brings in the bacon for T&T. So if you know any fashion entrepreneurs, tell them to visit the BDC or NEDCO to find out more about a small loan to get that sewing machine and sketch pad, they're waiting.

1 comment:

  1. The Fashion Industry forms part of the Creative/Cultural Industries, which is one of the Sectors that MTI is facilitating and promoting. NOTE: the 1st UNESCO Forum on Cultural Industries, which will be held in Monza (Italy) from 24 to 26 September 2009, MAY have T&T representation from a local designer...

    P.S. I wish this endeavour all the best; it has potential...
